Saturday 27 August 2016


Erectile dysfunction (also known as ED or "(male) impotence") is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop and/or maintain an erection.[18][19] The study of erectile dysfunction within medicine is known as andrology, a sub-field within urology.[20]
Erectile dysfunction occurs when the parasympathetic nerves to the penis do not release enough Nitrous oxide (NO). Around half of American men over 40 experience some form of erectile dysfunction.[3]
Erectile dysfunction can occur due to both physiological and psychological reasons, most of which are amenable to treatment. Common physiological reasons include diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurologic disease which collectively account for about 70 percent of ED cases.[3]Some drugs used to treat other conditions, such as lithium and paroxetine, may cause erectile dysfunction.[19][21]
Erectile dysfunction, tied closely as it is to cultural notions of potencysuccess and masculinity, can have devastating psychological consequences including feelings of shame,loss or inadequacy;[22] There is a strong culture of silence and inability to discuss the matter. In fact, around one in ten men will experience recurring impotence problems at some point in their lives.[23]

Veeryanuvruddhikartihai, Sabhitarikhekevyadhiko dour rakhnekabaldetahai. Napumsakatvako dour kartihai. Streeyo me andashayakopustidetihai.

Each capsule has the following:

         Actions and Uses (Helps / Cures in):
         Well known Aphrodisiac, useful in Spermatorrhoea, Loss of strength etc
         Aphrodisiac, diuretic
         Aphrodisiac, Emmenagogue
         Increases secretion of semen
         Rasayana, Tridoshahara
         Vajikara (Aphrodisiac), Spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness
         Useful in Infertility, Oligospermia, Swapnaskhalana, Napumsakatva, Beejashayakanirbalatha
         Veeryavardhaka, Kamottejaka, UttamaRasayana
         Shaktivardhaka, Mandagnihara, improves digestion
         Dhatuvruddhikara, Rasayana
         Shukra-dhatuvardhaka, Swapnadoshas
         Rasayana (Rejuvenator), Loss of strength

Therapeutic uses:Raktaalpatha, Shakti-vardhaka, Vajikara, Mythunashakti-vardhaka, Napumsakatva-nivaraka, Veerya-vardhaka, Vyadhikshamatva.

Anaemia, Premature ejaculation, Sexual weakness in elderly, Unsatisfactoryerrection, Oligospermia, Diabetic Neuritis, loss of Immunity.

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