Friday 26 August 2016

liver drops for small children


Doctor Intraliv Drops is natural liver care for Pediatric patients.
(Convey the Six salient features of the product)
  • Rapidly normalizes elevated levels of SGOT, SGPT and Serum Bilirubin.
  • Arrests progress and prevents further Liver damages.
  • Provides anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Restores functional efficiency of Liver.
  • Offers strong Immuno- boosting and Hepato-protective properties.
  • Improves Appetite, digestion & Assimilation to promote weight gain.

Doctor, may I request you to prescribe (on your first visit to the doctor request him to try the product) Intraliv Drops in conditions like
Acute & chronic Liver disorders, Viral hepatitis including hepatitis B virus, Jaundice, Precirrhotic conditions & early cirrhosis, Loss of appetite, chronic constipation, As an adjuvant to hepato-toxic drugs, As an adjuvant during convalescence.

Doctor Intaliv Drops is available in the form of Dropper. The Dosage in case of Infants is 5 to 10 drops thrice a day & Children it is 10 to 20 drops thrice a day.

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