Wednesday 31 August 2016

blood pressure control(ayurvedic)

1. Clonitol Tablets
Arjuna Chai(ext. Terminalia Arjuna) 100mg + Punernava (ext. Boerhavia Diffusa) 30mg +
Guduchi (ext. Tinospora Cordifolia) 40mg + Mandukparni ( ext. Hyderecotyle Asiatica)
30mg + Ashwagandha ( ext. Withania Somniferra) 50mg +  Amalki (Emblica Officinalis)
35mg + Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi) 25mg + Sarpgandha (Ruwolfia
Serpentine) 25mg + Pipal (Piper Longum) 20mg + Sounth 50mg (Zingeber Officinalis) + Excipients Q.s.

Keep  B.P Level in Control

1.     Hypertension (essential).

2.     High B.P Associated with symptoms like giddiness, loss of concentration , sleeplessness etc.

3.     Palpitation of heart .

4.     Neuro circulatory Asthenia. Angina pectoris associated with hypertension.

5.     As a normotensive therapy after hypertension is controlled.

Dosage :

2 tablets 3 or 4 times to begin with once the B.P. is controlled
an symptoms are relieved, dosage can be adjusted accordingly :
2 tablets once or twice a day.

     Packing  : 50 Tablets

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