Wednesday 31 August 2016

Break through in the Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia.

1. Clostrobin Tablets
 Ext. Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) 150mg +Dhanyaka
(Coriandrum Sativum) 150mg + Jiraka (Cuminum Cyminum)
100mg + Satapatrika (Rosa centifolia) 50mg + Katuki (Picrorhiza
kurroa) 50mg proceed in Dhnyaka  (Coriandrum sativum) + Jirka
(Cuminim Cyminum) + Bhrigraja (Eclipta alba) + Excipients q.s

A  Break  through  in the Treatment  of  Hypercholesterolemia.

1.     Arjuna (St. bark) (Terminalia Arjun): The bark is useful as an anti-ischemic n cardio protective agent in hypertension and ischemic heart diseases.
2.     Dhanyaka (Seed) (Coriandrum sativum): Principal Constituents: Linalool and Coriandrinonediol were isolated from the fruits.
3.     Jiraka (Seed) (Cuminum Cyminum): In indigenous medicine cumin seeds have long
. been considered as stimulant and astringent.        
4.      Satapatrika (Flower( (Rosa centifolia): The flower buds are astringent and are used in cardiac troubles and as a tonic and aperients.  The stamens and the fruit are astringent.
5.     Katuki (Root) (Picrorhiza kurroa): The plant exhibits potent immunostimulant activity and is considered a immunomodulatory agent. 

6.       Proceed in Bhrigraja (Eclipta Alba): The herb contains edelolactone and dimethyl wedelolactone possessing potent antihepatotoxicz properties

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